
Author: Quinn

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Virtual Reign

3D Chess Virtual Reign is a multi-player, 3D Chess game built as part of a 2020 Grant for the Web…

Home Server Basic Setup

This is a generic guide to get up and running with a home server running on Ubuntu. If you are…

Using Azure App Service Certificate for Apache on an Ubuntu VM

The process of getting my Azure cert to work on an Azure VM seems needlessly complicated and took forever to…

Raspberry PI File Sharing with a Mac

From the Raspberry Pi terminal or SSH into the Pi: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install netatalk sudo /etc/init.d/netatalk stop…

Mac Optimizations

Reduce transparency effects  System Preferences >> Accessibility >> Display >> Reduce transparency (On) Switch off automatic graphic switching  System Preferences…

Setting Raspberry Pi for a Static IP

sudo -s cd /etc/network cp interfaces interfaces.bak nano interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet dhcp allow-hotplug…

Mounting Raspberry Pi SD Card on a Mac (with Write Access)

Download and install: Fuse for OS X (Make sure to check: MacFUSE Compatibility Layer) Download and install: fuse-ext2 Open Terminal Type: sudo…

Using SQLite with Railo CFML Server

I’ve been building a web app that analyzes data from an application called Ultimate Racer used to control the race track circuit…

Korg Monotron Repair Mod

Due to a series of unfortunate events, the surface mounted 1/8 jack was torn off of the board of this Korg Monotron…

snippets.rb: Titanium Studio Snippets Ruble Customizations

This here is just a space for holding my Titanium Studio customizations to extend or overwrite the provided ruble for…

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