
Author: Quinn

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PHP4 & XML Generation

<?php // generate xml mime type header (“content-type: text/xml”); // create xml document $doc = domxml_new_doc(‘1.0’); // create xml root…


// get username and password via form scope $user = $_POST[“username”]; $pass = $_POST[“password”]; // format username for uwm ldap…

HOW TO: Install Flex Builder 3 Alpha on Hardy Heron 64-bit

32-bit Java Runtime Environment needs to be installed (which can be done through synpatic/apt-get). Run the following at the command…

HOW TO: Run 32-bit Eclipse on a 64-bit Hardy Heron platform

At a command prompt run: sudo apt-get install ia32-sun-java6-bin … or get it from Synaptic. Download a 32-bit version of…

HOW TO: Dual Monitors Hardy Heron 64-bit nVidia NV44 [Quadro NVS 285]

System>>Administration>>Hardware Drivers Check “Enabled” for: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver After you hit “OK” a bunch of times a few drivers…

new machine; new os; new architecture;

I’ve been looking forward to getting the latest Ubuntu release 8.04 – Hardy Heron and at first glance, I’m a…

HOW TO: Set Flex MenuBar Currently Selected Item Text Color

Seems like it should be fairly easy to let a user visually know which top level option they are currently…

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