
October 13, 2008

RapidSVN currently broken in Ubuntu Repository

The current package for RapidSVN segfaults constantly with the current version (as of today’s date) in the Hardy Heron repos. To fix this:

  • Grab the Intrepid Ibex package by editing: /etc/apt/sources.list
  • Do a search and replace: “hardy” for “intrepid”.
  • Update your packages and reinstall RapidSVN.

You can do this from the GUI side with gedit and synaptic. From the command line:

sudo -s
vim /etc/apt/sources.list

in vi:


command line:

apt-get update
apt-get install rapidsvn

At this point, you should switch back to the hardy repos by editing sources.list and re-replacing intrepid for hardy.

Posted in Development, LinuxTaggs: