
Tag: ubuntu

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Home Server Basic Setup

This is a generic guide to get up and running with a home server running on Ubuntu. If you are…

Using Azure App Service Certificate for Apache on an Ubuntu VM

The process of getting my Azure cert to work on an Azure VM seems needlessly complicated and took forever to…

Fixing bootloaders when dual booting OS X and Ubuntu

I ran into a problem the last time Ubuntu upgraded either the kernel or grub (not sure which); Either way,…

Gnome Screensaver Missing Lock Screen Prompt in Ubuntu Lucid 10.04

For some reason, the unlock dialog box for Gnome Screensaver suddenly stopped appearing. Screensaver works fine but, move the mouse…

Upgrading MySQL 3.23.58 to 5 [WIP]

Had to upgrade mass amounts of data from outdated MySQL 3.23 to 5. Couldn’t find any good guides so I…

RapidSVN currently broken in Ubuntu Repository

The current package for RapidSVN segfaults constantly with the current version (as of today’s date) in the Hardy Heron repos….

compile mvpmc on ubuntu jaunty

apt-get install git-core scons bison flex gettext git clone git://git.mvpmc.org/repos/mvpmc.git cd mvpc make mvp (eventually files will get downloaded, extracted,…

Dual Network Booting (Mythbuntu, MediaMVP, and random crappy laptops)

Background I built a Mythbuntu machine out of a Dell PowerEdge 1600SC dual Xeon box with a Hauppauge PVR-500 dual…

HOW-TO: HTC 6800/Mogul/Titan as USB Modem in Ubuntu

sudo -s apt-get install subversion svn co http://synce.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroo … rndis-lite cd usb-rndis-lite/ make ./clean.sh make install vim /etc/network/interfaces add: auto…

HOW TO: Install Flex Builder 3 Alpha on Hardy Heron 64-bit

32-bit Java Runtime Environment needs to be installed (which can be done through synpatic/apt-get). Run the following at the command…

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