
Tag: zimbra

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Preserve epoch dates in Zimbra JSON via ColdFusion DeserializeJSON function

The DeserializeJSON() function in ColdFusion converts an epoch date/time in JSON from something like: 1281364965000 to: 1.281364965E+012. To prevent this…

Preserve epoch dates in Zimbra JSON via ColdFusion DeserializeJSON function

The DeserializeJSON() function in ColdFusion converts an epoch date/time in JSON from something like: 1281364965000 to: 1.281364965E+012. To prevent this…

Zimbra ZmAppt Object Properties

As of this writing in July of 2009, the only documentation of the Zimbra ZmAppt object is a preliminary draft…

Zimbra URLs

Zimbra has a bunch of built in functionality for rendering HTML versions of calendars as well as feeds such as…

Extending the Zimbra Canvas

The Zimbra Canvas is pretty cool but, somewhat limited from the Zimlet XML definition file. For example, you cannot modify…